Allen Iverson Funny Photos

Sorry I burned you're ball... I'm too hot to handle

all this accessories will protect from the wolves and vampire...

Just another artwork from his fan....

ohhhh no.. Goldilocks killed by the bears.. please stop...
I don't want to hear anymore...

Water.. please give me wateeerrrrrr.....

if you're name listed here that's mean you're next

can I barrow from you some box.. I need to buy shirt

ooowwwww... so Kobe already opened his closet..

yah know you're funny... I haven't retired yet..

Run as faster as you can.. before this ball hit you and blow up your head

see I'm in full health.. why they don't let me play in NBA anymore?

his professional ID

make it good mr.photographer ...
or all my brothers will throw your body in the river

no I'm not MJ brother.. I don't sing jackson-5 too 

Taste my furious kick I learned from Turkey's karate

All hail to me.. I wonder why everyone is looking at my behind?

ohhh... damn this wisdom hurts again

I wish I can play in NBA again.... mr.Disney please grant my wishes

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