WTF!!! Lebron passed the ball again in a clutch time

owww I forgot that I supposed to have an injury..
I should act softer
( that's the last word of what's the camera man heard)
your planet is mine.. bwhahaha..
now the Dinosaur will return to earth once more
why I'm still not playing!!! why???? graghhhH!!!!!
Foooddddddd!!!!! ( the last word of what the kid heard while eating popcorn)
Gosh... my fingernails broke again..
I'll gonna call Kobe to come along to get manicures
shoot the ball the Lebron.. don't pass it!!!
the making of Jurassic Park..
Coach Spo just thought Bosh how to be toughy
Noooooo... Dino are not extinct
Grahhhgggghhhh!!!! somebody took my purse
hey Garnettt... who's Christina now???
you should call meCheery Bosh from now on..
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