If there's someone will ask me What's the Greatest Dunk of All Time? the thing one in my mind is no other else but Vince Carter dunked over 7'2 guy in a LIVE 2000 Olympic Game. The Big Why? because he done it in a live game in the front of a defending 7'2 feet guy (Frederick Weiss) with no hesitation, no trick like using an arm to lift up and its all in his hoops.
Q&A with Vince Carter
Q: I know what I consider to be your greatest dunk during a game, but what do you consider to be your greatest dunk?A: That is a tough one. I just go by what fans have enjoyed. Of course, I would say that the Olympics would be the fan favorite and then the Alonzo(Mourning) dunk is probably second.
Q: I also consider your greatest dunk (and maybe one of the greatest dunks ever) to be the dunk in the Sydney Olympics against the French team…can you describe that dunk?
A: Okay, well. It was a rebound or a steal and the guy tried a behind the back pass for the outlet. Everyone was headed the other way, but for some reason I got a glimpse of the ball and it was coming right for me. So when I caught the ball I was thinking let me get to the rim as fast as possible for a free shot since everyone is on the other end. So then I took two dribbles and stopped to jump to the rim. And as I go up I see the big man there so I am like I need to get to the rim before he can take a charge. That is all I remember and all I knew until after the game. I mean, I remember the initial contact but in my mind I think he either moved or fell. I had no idea he was still standing there. So when I am in the air I am thinking to myself that I have jumped way to early and there is no way I am going to make it to the rim. So if you look at the tape I am leaning and stretched out like I might have jumped from too far out. So what I am thinking at this point is that I am either about to make a Sprite commercial or I am going to miss and dunk the ball on the floor. That is why I wasn't aware of what was going on below me because I was too worried about getting to the rim and not looking stupid.
Q: When was the first time that you saw the replay of the French dunk?
A: I saw it on tape that night before I actually knew what happened. For the remainder of the entire game no one said anything to me about the dunk. During timeouts, on the court, no one said anything to me about it. No one said do you realize what you just did? No one said "Dude, you actually jumped over the guy!" No one said that at all. So I saw it that night on a little boat cruise deal. One of Gary Payton's boys videotaped it and when I saw it I could not believe it. I watched it 11 times in a row. I was thinking this has got to be trick photography. Because I have never once said to myself that I am going to dunk over the top of someone someday. It just happened.
source from : www.mavs.com
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