LA Lakers Vs Denver Nuggets 2012 Playoffs

hey everyone! lets celebrate,  Kobe has a flu that means he'll pass more often

This will win the "Brokeback Bromance of the Year " 

oh shit, who's letter this from ... 'where room are you? - <3 Kobe"

WTF! Kobe passed me the ball and I missed it.. 
that was a once in a life time opportunity for me

calm down Big Boy... remember what I told you... 
there's no cat hiding there... your cat died since you're a kid

OMG! that's Zoolander looks makes me crazy.. so hot.. 
wanna go  to Spain with me?

Kobe : nice Dunk Pau... you got 1-point from that .. the other point is for me
 Pau : What? NBA has a rule like that?

what? Kobe is on the Bench and we can now shoot?

nice too see you Meta... glad your back from your cage..
I heard there were missing psychiatrists while you're gone...

hey Kobe this is for you!!! 
we'll trade Javale to Lakers to feel more pain

you sure there's no electric thing in your finger?... 
I know Javale is in your team, just making sure, you know?

damn it Javale, do you have any idea what your doing?...
stop pretending to be a guard

ohh shit.... you're cute,.. I can't move,, they have exposed my  weakness

Hate it... the media didn't give me the MVP.. 
despite the Flu Drama

enough of the paparazzi guys.. I'm telling you, there's no lingerie in my case

so Pau, what do you want this time? lotion or butter?

who the heck is this guy..? I thought Nene has been moved to Wizards?

nice pass... who else here doesn't have an assist?

yuck!!! can you get out my way.. you're not my type.. 
where's that Italian guy

damn! we made it.. kobe is out.. now we can shoot

this guy is so rude... mama get me out of here!

eiihhhh... what's that small thing you're pointing

I'm fine with the lost but having Javale next season is even worst

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